Abstract—The purposes of this study were to (1) create the
AR books on hand lettering calligraphy with parallel pens; (2)
examine the usage effect on the pre-service teachers’ production
capability of instructional media; and (3) investigate the
satisfaction level towards the AR books. The sample comprised
123 pre-service teachers who were enrolled in Educational
Technology and Innovation. Data collection utilized the
following research instruments: (1) The AR books on hand
lettering calligraphy with parallel pens; (2) A test form of
instructional media production capability; and (3) A survey on
pre-service teachers’ satisfaction towards the AR books. The
data was analyzed in percentage, mean, standard deviation, and
The findings suggested that 1) the AR books on hand lettering
calligraphy with parallel pens were created with high quality at
a mean score of 4.45 whereas the E1/E2 efficiency scores were
also as high as 83.95 and 82.57, respectively; 2) the use of the AR
books enhanced the production capability of instructional media
with .05 significance level when compared to the traditional
method used by the control group; and 3) the pre-service
teachers were the highest level satisfied to AR books with a
mean satisfaction score of 4.53.
Index Terms—Augmented-reality technology,
augmented-reality book, instructional media production, hand
lettering calligraphy capability.
The authors are with the Department of Educational Technology, Faculty
of Education, Prince of Songkla University, Thailand (e-mail:
kanchanachaya@gmail.com, nkanita52@gmail.com).
Cite: Nuttaphong Kanchanachaya and Kanita Nitjarunkul, "Effectiveness of AR Books on "Calligraphy with Parallel Pens" towards the Pre-service Teachers’ Capability of Instructional Media," International Journal of Information and Education Technology vol. 8, no. 12, pp. 868-873, 2018.