Abstract—In 2015 the programme entitled “e-Schools: A
comprehensive informatization of school operation and teaching
processes with the aim of creating digitally mature schools for
the 21st century” started in Croatia. The results of the pilot
project e-Schools include a Digital Competence Framework for
School Employees: Teachers, Principals and Administrative
Staff, and based on this, the Curriculum for the Enhancement of
Digital Competences of School Employees: Teachers, Principals
and Administrative Staff. In the paper, the methodology of
transforming the Digital Competence Framework to Curricula
is described: from digital competencies expected from school
staff, through learning outcomes (units) to the modules and
implementation/instruction units to be used as the base for
educating school staff and helping them to achieve and/or
improve their own digital competencies.
Index Terms—Curricula, digital competence framework,
methodology, school.
The authors are with the Faculty of Organization and Informatics,
University of Zagreb, Varaždin, Croatia (e-mail: valentina.kirinic@foi.hr,
renata.mekovec@foi.hr, nikolina.zajdela@foi.hr).
Cite: V. Kirinić, R. Mekovec, and N. Žajdela Hrustek, "Methodology of Transforming Digital Competence Framework to Curricula: Croatian e-Schools Project Example," International Journal of Information and Education Technology vol. 8, no. 12, pp. 880-888, 2018.