Abstract—The purpose of this research is to generate an
appropriate learning model for the information system analysis
and design course. This research was conducted at the Faculty
of Information and Communication-Technology, Universitas
Teknologi Mataram. This research used the R&D method,
which can be used to systematically design new products
through various stages. The preliminary research was
conducted by distributing questionnaires, which were filled out
by 131 students. The questionnaire results described the
learning model which includes group assignments and exercises
given by lecturers. Also, they desire the involvement of lecturers
during and after the class through involving technology. The
implementation of the applied learning model consisted of
learning steps, reaction principles, social systems, and support
systems. The approach helped students to collaborate and
discuss effectively, both during and outside lecture hours,
devoid of space and time constraints. The model is validated by
expert testing, followed by suggestions to improve or revise the
design to obtain a final product appropriate to the needs and
related to the theoretical principles. The product trials in the
field was conducted in three stages, namely One-to-One, Small
Group, and Field Trials. The effectiveness test was performed
by comparing the initial and final results. The research finding
shows that e-PBL-based Information System Analysis and
Design learning model was proven effective in increasing
students' ability to perform information system analysis and
design activities. Therefore, it can be recommended for use in
Index Terms—E-PBL, collaborative, discussion, Collassion
The authors are with Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia (e-mail:
DwinitaArwidiyarti_7117157697@mhs.unj.ac.id, khaerudin@unj.ac.id,
Cite: Dwinita Arwidiyarti, Khaerudin, and Basuki Wibawa, "Implementation of the E-PBL Learning Model Using the Collassion Learning-App to Maximize the Collaboration and Student Discussion Process in Solving Problems," International Journal of Information and Education Technology vol. 12, no. 11, pp. 1237-1242, 2022.
Copyright © 2022 by the authors. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited (CC BY 4.0).