Abstract—The goal of this study was to provide sustainable
science teaching aids to a primary school in the rural area of
Vietnam. To solve a sustainability issue, field research, an
ideation workshop, and prototyping workshops were conducted,
following the HCD Toolkit designed by IDEO. A co-creation
workshop was also conducted to modify the final product with
teachers of the school. Finally, six kinds of science teaching aids
were applied at the primary school. The result, although it has
some limitations, showed that HCD is an effective way to design
a localized science teaching aids for long-term use.
Index Terms—Educational development, educational
cooperation, science teaching aid, primary education.
Youngchan Jeong is with the Seoul National University, South Korea
(e-mail: ycmailcase@gmail.com).
Namjun Kang is with the Department of Communication, Seoul National
University, South Korea (e-mail: njkang@snu.ac).
Cite: Youngchan Jeong and Namjun Kang, "Designing Localized Teaching Aids for Sustainable Use through Human-Centered Design in Rural Vietnam," International Journal of Information and Education Technology vol. 7, no. 11, pp. 844-850, 2017.