Abstract—Achieving high performance without proper scheduling of application tasks is impossible in a heterogeneous environment. To solve such an issue, in this paper, a new static scheduling algorithm is proposed called expected completion time based scheduling (ECTS) algorithm, which is used to effectively schedule application tasks on to the heterogeneous processors. The ECTS algorithm finds the task sequence for execution by assigning priority and then maps the selected task sequence on to the processors. In order to give the comparison of proposed algorithm over the existing algorithms, a real Fast Fourier application graphs are considered as experimental test case. The results show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm to those presented previously. The algorithm is mainly focused on producing minimum makespan.
Index Terms—Directed acyclic graph, heterogeneous distributed systems, heuristic algorithm, static task scheduling.
Authors are with Department of Computer Applications, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli - 620015, Tamilnadu, India (e-mail: eswari@nitt.edu; nickolas@nitt.edu ).
Cite: R. Eswari and S. Nickolas, "A Level-wise Priority Based Task Scheduling for Heterogeneous Systems," International Journal of Information and Education Technology vol. 1, no. 5, pp. 371-376, 2011.